I hear you, Amy, but FWIW, I don't like the word and wonder about its etymology.
a foolish or stupid person.
"why was that boob given a key investigation?"
an embarrassing mistake.
make an embarrassing mistake.
"we found that we had boobed and the booking was for the previous week"
Why are a woman's breasts somehow equated with a stupid or foolish person, a goofball or mistake? I have always wondered.
A man's penis is usually called a cock, not offensive to men as it indicates the power of a male chicken in a sea of hens. "Dick" is less foul (yikes) but men do not generally like it as is seems to equate with "dickhead" i.e. a "boob." I asked my husband if he preferred "dick" or "cock" and without hesitation he admitted to "cock."
No one likes the word penis. Have you ever heard a man reference his penis? I have not.
I don't like the word "breasts" either, for some reason. Maybe I am just repressed. Still, I would use it in preference to "boobs".