The biggest downside for me are the regrets, the roads not taken, the things I should have done, and those I should not have done. Should I have had children? What will they have to suffer on this poor abused planet? Was it pure selfishness to bring them into this world?
I should have done more for my parents, visited more, helped them more. Called more often, not just assumed they would always be there. HUGE SIGH.
These thoughts, regrets and worries creep up just as I am getting ready for bed and haunt my nights. I envy you the peace you have attained and the acceptance and the place you are at. Thanks for writing this. Gives me hope that I can attain your state of acceptance. I don't fear death anymore, that's about the best I can say about closing in now on 70. In the words of the late, great Leonard Cohen: “my friends are gone, my hair is grey. I ache in the places that I used to play…”